we offer a same day delivery on our beautiful bouquets.
we offer a same day delivery on our beautiful bouquets.
Heavenly Scent Florist Darlington 01325 389933
Heavenly Scent FloristDarlington01325 389933


Lettering can be done in a wide variety of styles and colours. We can ribbon around each letter, change the colours of the chrysanth base, have different colour and style corsages and go completely modern with mixed letter in flowers of your choice in colours of your choice. 


All funeral work must be ordered a minimum of 3 working day prior to funeral date to guarantee availability.

Pictures shown are illustration of style and colour only and do not reflect sizes.


Contact Us Today:

Heavenly Scent Florist
34 Bondgate



01325 389933



Or use our contact form.

Orders must be placed before 12.00pm to guarantee same day delivery.

Get Social with Us.

Opening Hours:

Monday - Friday

9am - 5-00pm


9am - 3.00pm

Sunday: CLOSED.

Phone lines are open every day from 7.00am until 8pm for orders and enquieries.


Closed bank holidays.


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© Heavenly Scent Florist Darlington